Monday, November 8, 2010

How to get in and out of Parsvottanasana


Start off in Tadasana also known as Mountain Pose. *This is the base of all postures and roots you to the earth.


Bend your legs and jump open to the length of hands. *You may adjust the difference between your feet to what you are comfortable, (but not drastically) when you are in your position.

Turn your left foot (front leg) so it is in line with your left knee.

Turn your right foot (back leg) so it is almost directly in line with your front foot.

Turn your body so it is in line with your front foot.

Place your hand on your hips.

Make sure your hips are parallel to the floor and level to one another.

Root your feet to the earth and press into the backside of your back foot
Contract all the muscles in both legs so the knee is active. *In order to form a strong base.

Breathe and lengthen your torso and spine.

Bend at your waist and lead with your heart's center.

Lengthen and bend with each breath.

Press into the earth and your back foot and slowly come out of the position.

*Repeat these steps on the opposite leg/side.


If you are unable to do the full pose: practice on a wall as demonstrated below